Community Information

Michelle Wissman, Realtor


When moving to a new home, a large consideration can be the schools that your property may subscribe to, or the private schools in your area of consideration. This can be just as large of a consideration for you as the property itself. Only you know what qualifies a school as one you would like your children to attend. Perhaps you are looking for a school system that offers a foreign language starting in Kindergarten. Others may find a good school system that offers a Science Lab program from the elementary school age. Still others may be looking to expose their children to the Arts and want a school that is well diverse in them. Only you know what makes a school a good system in your eyes and you should contact the local schools and have your concerns addressed to be sure that the home you move to meets your needs for your family.

No matter what your concerns may be, a great way to become familiar with the schools and start your search in learning about what each has to offer is by going to the Maryland State Schools web-site to review their information directly and get contact numbers to those that can answer your questions.

Maryland School Report Card

Maryland Private School Directory

Michelle Wissman, Realtor


When moving to a new neighborhood, everyone is concerned with whether it is a safe neighborhood, will you truly be comfortable in your new home. This is a valid concern no matter where you consider moving to. I recommend when considering an area, visit the area at different times of day, and different days of the week. This can give you a better feel of the activities of the town, and different perspectives on where you may call home. If you get the opportunity, talk with potential neighbors you may seek out and ask them what the neighborhood is like. Ask what they consider pros and cons of where they live. Pick up a local paper and see what makes headlines.

Most importantly may be contacting the local police department and ask them what types of crimes they find to be prevalent in the neighborhood. The ones that will help protect your town are the best source of information before making your decision to buy.

Making an informed decision about where you may move to will go a long way to making a good decision for your next home.  As your professional Maryland Realtor, I will help you every step of the way.